It took me a moment to work out his implication. “I guess you believe in moving slow, don’t you, boy?” The circuits were scrambled, so the orders placed came out wrong it was my job to fix it, so we could sell it at a higher price than we paid for it. ” He peered at me over the kitchen-mate I was repairing. I could tell by the way Smitty’s white, bristling brows shot up. “Do better for what?” It was another of my blunders. “You don’t want to end up like me, no sir. “Good to see you found someone,” the old man wheezed. It was not until Smitty made an offhand remark that I realized the significance. Unlike most, she had been born within the dome, and she knew the hidden ways, where old men sold songbirds from gilded cages, and old women sat in doorways smoking pipes that sent blue smoke curling up toward the sky. It was strange, but not unwelcome, to have a companion who knew the city. I found myself seeing her nearly every night. This became our pattern once a week, then twice. Sadly, she had such an honest soul that she accepted it without question.

Once, she caught me at it, and I had to lie: “I have many allergies.

I grew adept at scanning the ingredients to make sure they would not send me into convulsions. We ate in open-air stalls, food I never would have touched on my own. I do not know why I acceded, but again and again, I let her lead me out, where she showed me what it is to be human.