
Curious Matrix by Domagoj Pernar
Curious Matrix by Domagoj Pernar

The book consists of 18 chapters that are not connected subjectwise but are somehow connected in curiosity.

Curious Matrix by Domagoj Pernar

That is the essence of writing - to explore your mind while bringing fiction closer to nonfiction. That’s why I wrote this book, to share my view, which can be correct, it can be fictional and imaginable, but it is curious and explorational in many ways. A good part of the book is supported by various research, but a good portion is open to the imagination.

Curious Matrix by Domagoj Pernar

What you are going to read is by no means scientifically accurate in every way or a complete truth, but it is one man's reflections on different topics with a pinch of creativity.

Curious Matrix by Domagoj Pernar

This book is doing exactly that - exploring various questions and hypotheseses about past, present and future world and society we're living in.

Curious Matrix by Domagoj Pernar