Poetry Friday: Hard-Boiled Bugs for Breakfast: And.Saturday Morning Cartoons- Yasmina and the Potato.MMGM- Opening the Road and The Good War.Gutman to turn his impressive talents to older readers. I adored the Baseball Card Adventures as well as Getting Air, and selfishly would prefer Mr. Corbett Is in Orbit, Hardcover - Graphic novel fans, prepare for liftoff New York Times bestselling author. What makes me sad is that this series seems too young for my students. Dan Gutman - My Weird School Graphic Novel: Mr. There are already Fast Fact books as well as several I Can Read Books with these characters. Gutman has had so much success with the My Weird School series, and a graphic novel with these characters makes sense. Corbett, is a total space cadet And what happens when A.J. and his friends at Ella Mentry School are headed on a field trip to NASA headquarters. What I really think: It makes me happy that Mr. Corbett is in Orbit Dan Gutman and Jim Paillot. Corbett faint? Well, he IS a tour guide for NASA and not a teacher. Paillot's appealingly goofy illustrations makes perfect sense, and the combination of amusing pictures and puns and other goofiness will make this a sure winner with younger readers. All elementary libraries will want to invest in this new series and to make sure that the chapter book series is up to date. Strengths: The best part of this book for me was the information about environmental issues at the back of the book, and a plea for students to help educate their parents about things they can do to help the Earth.